Creating fake paycheck

How to spot fake payslips and job verification

How to spot fake payslips and job verification

These days, it’s easier than ever for potential tenants to falsify important information about their rental requests. If you haven’t heard of the fake paycheck scam, here’s a quick rundown of what it entails:

Currently, there are dozens of online businesses that make it easy to create fake payslips. Just go to a website where you can enter all the information you want. You can put your business name on your paycheck and the amount of money you want to claim to earn.

Creating fake paycheck

Creating a fake paycheck takes about a minute and approximately five dollars. These paychecks look legitimate and are almost indistinguishable from an honest wage. That way, if someone is interested in your property and doesn’t meet your income requirements, they can quickly print some payslips to send with a higher salary amount. These scams put the landlord at risk because if the prospective tenant is less financially stable than they claim, they may not pay the rent in the future.